orion's blog

2023 Archive

Use the navigation box to jump to a specific month, or feel free to scroll instead :) All posts are in reverse chronological order as usual.

Posts with a pin icon near the top here are "Pinned," okay :)? They can be found in their actual chronological place as well.

a digital drawing of five people on and behind a couch. from top left to bottm right, they are the sonas of marsupials nick, zag, jay, orion, and smiley. they are all dressed as their guilty gear xrd rev 2 mains, which are faust, venom, millia, chipp, and raven, respectively. orion and smiley are holding controllers, and all are facing the viewer as if they are playing/watching the game ahead of them

2023, the year of the gamer. art by me :)

Thursday, January 12, 2023

hiii it's been a minute. i was having a #Mental Illness Moment but terry bogard fixed me.

official art of terry bogard from the king of fighters fifteen. terry is a muscular man with a long blond ponytail who wears a red vest and trucker hat

feel free to speculate whether it was thinking about terry, looking at terry, or terry himself beating the shit out of me for laughs that did it. anyway now i'm normal again :)

Thursday, March 2, 2023

a screenshot from the Guilty Gear Begin light novel. it features Frederick Bulsara from behind and slightly below, who is wearing a labcoat that is billowing out to one side. he is posed in a slightly slutty way with his ass sticking out and his shoulders back

okay. whore.

Sunday, January 22, 2023


i will do another blog post :) hehe

2023. what a year, huh? what the hell even happened this year. let me look at what i've posted here... oh! right!

some amazing events of the year include: my two cool roommates found out my secret online identity (this one) because i was liking solradguy posts too quickly (I LIKE HIS PRODUCT, OKAY?), terry bogard saved my life, i started playing many many fighting games and a LOT of monster hunter, i escaped the hell chamber and returned to my rightful place beside stanley, smiley introduced me to anime, the phillies made it to game 7 of the NLCS, the flyers ? started playing well?? and i had a lot of fun :] i think overall the year was a steady positive incline for me! it started out Kinda Bad, got a Little Worse, and then just got better and better babey B) and now i'm doing really well!!

i listened to a lot of awesome music, especially prog, but as usual my "spotify wrapped" was dominated by the music i listen to while sleeping so it didn't really show lol i think what i spent the most time enjoying consciously was haken tho. sound of the century!!

as for video games, my favorite game that came out this year (which i FINALLY purchased but have not started) is sea of stars hands down. it won the indie game of the year award! i'm so so so excited to play it i could throw up. i also purchased a bunch of other games on my wishlist which came out recently, like dave the diver and ooblets! my Personal game of the year (as in the game i spent the most time enjoying this year) is definitely monster hunter rise!! i finally beat the main story of the base game, got my hunter rank up to like 120 or something, and spent a lot of time playing with my lovely friends maebh and zag :] close runners-up would definitely be moonglow bay and eastward, neither of which i've finished yet lol

for streaming, we didn't do much since so many marsupials were busy in the spring and fall with school and whatnot. still, 2023's two-year streamiversary was short and sweet and a lot of fun, and we finished Four games in the summer: phoenix wright ace attorney, psychonauts 2, professor layton and the diabolical box, and hypnospace outlaw :) if i had to pick a favorite stream series it would definitely be ace attorney!! i had so much fun with the first game in the series and i can't WAIT to play more of it! if all goes well there will be another fun streamiversary in january and a whole lot of fun streams coming next summer :]

and now, regarding my hopes for the new year... 2024... the year of the dragon upon us once again...

i wanna do more things! i wanna go to new places near where i live or farther away, i wanna make more art and listen to more music, i wanna write stories and spend a lot of time with the people i care about :) i hope that there are a lot of cool and fun games coming, and i hope the ones i'm anticipating come out soon and are even better than i could have ever imagined (WISHLIST BEASTIEBALL ON STEAM. PLAY THE DEMO. PLEASE.) :)

i hope this year has treated you kindly, dear reader, and i hope we all have a wonderful 2024! happy new year's eve!!

Sunday, December 31, 2023

HELLO!!!!!!!!!!! it's me again :]

i've been kind of Busy recently with many things such as "working a job" and "hanging out." my friends are all still doing college classes so while they're suffering from finals week(s) i have been sitting with them in vc and doing whatever! not very much gaming but me and smiley have been watching more "BLEACH" and i'm enjoying it a lot :)

it's been very long since i created all of the page categories on this website (home, blog, stanley, gaming, music) and i've pretty much always wanted to add another, but i couldn't figure out what. most of what i do and enjoy falls into one of those categories.

THEN i had a beautiful and wonderful realization: i love stories! stories from all sorts of places in all sorts of mediums. i like creating stories, too! so i thought a great idea would be to have a page dedicated to stories, characters, and settings that i reallly like!!

of course, "stories i like" would naturally include video games, but the games i am most sick about already have their own dedicated page lol so there would be no need to cross-post. instead, a "stories" page would be mostly dedicated to things like my own creations, anime i've really enjoyed, other people's original work that you should check out, and stuff of that nature! i would set it up similarly to my gaming page and maybe try to organize between whole stories vs individual elements, my work vs others' vs widespread media, etc. maybe i would have a page for "favorite characters" from whatever with drop down posts telling all the awesome details, and then have posts on the main page for each story. idk! i'll figure it out as i go :)

so !! look forward to that maybe! i have a lot of things i want to put into a page like this, but it will take some time to get up and running and i'm still pretty busy lol so stay tuned :)

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

my halloween costume, btw

the in-game model for nevada montecarlo from fossil fighters. she has red hair in a pony tail and wears lime green lipstick, a white cropped tank top, and blue camo pants

her name is nevada montecarlo :) she's from fossil fighters (2008) for the nintendo DS and was my favorite video game character growing up! i always thought she was so badass... she is one of the cool high level fossil fighters. you meet her trapped in a pyramid and escape together, and then she's the one you fight for your rank-up battle after that! i'm also pretty sure she has a whip?

ANYWAY now i have the necessary components to dress just like her :] it isn't perfect by any means but i'm soooooo happy regardless! i got to dress up on halloween and even tho nobody knew who i was supposed to be they all liked my awesome outfit lol

moral of the story is to never give up on your dreams of becoming your digital childhood idol, okay? i hope you all had a happy halloween <|:]

Sunday, November 5, 2023

so those damn phillies lost -_- but it's okay bc tonight the team that beat them got KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT!!!!! i would never cheer for a texan team but i will always root for the demise of the team that eliminates the phillies, amen.

congratulations texas rangers for winning the world series!

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

hi :) it's time for me to be insane about sports on the internet.

if you're reading this as someone with no sports team affiliations, congratulations! you are now phillies fans! it's so great of you to join us :)!

now that we're all philly truthers here, i need everyone to send powerful energy to the boys tonight so they can go to the world series and kill the texas rangers, okay? and if you're reading this after the date i posted it, well, keep doing it :) the phillies are always needing your power. they're kind of like the rocket ship from little einsteins! you HAVE to help them by pat-pat-patting them to liftoff! or, in this case, kubrick staring at the tv until they win.

the deciding game is tonight at 8 pm eastern. if they win i'll probably edit this post saying something like "LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO" but if they lose i will be in mourning and you will not see me for at least one week. good luck!

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

a wall of white text with a glow effect on a black background. at the top it says 'hardcore' in all-caps that alternate between bigger and smaller letters. the text underneath is so small and compressed that it's completely illegible

Friday, October 6, 2023

it's me! i'm back again!

i have been doing NEW ADVENTURES in videos games :) i have played another excellent demo for a game called SEA OF STARS which was released in august of this year and is SO SO BEYOND FUN. i can't wait for the next steam sale so i can get it :] hopefully it actually does go on sale... it's normally $35 which isn't a Lot but it's more than i'd Like to spend at once. DEFINITELY play the demo if you get the chance tho!!! i think i might write a short post for it in gameing bc i want everyone to know all about it.

i recently sunk a bunch of time into monster hunter rise and reached hr 54 or something :)! i played mostly with maebh and zag and a little bit with octo, and when maebh accidentally posted a quest for anyone online to join we met a lovely individual who got carted to a teostra and sent "holy ouchies" in the in-game chat. we LOST it. kilo if you're out there i'm obsessed. we were saying holy ouchies to each other for the rest of the night. holy ouchies if i'm being truly honest. at that point i didn't know how to open the free chat so all i could do was send like "Good job!" or whatever from the pre-made messages at the very end. it's still killing me. holy ouchies for real.

in other news, we are almost finished with the currently stream games, but all my friends are doing school again :( so we will probably move schedule around or go on hiatus altogether so they don't have to choose between getting work done and watching stream. this is sad :( but it does have to happen. but we'll definitely be back again in the future :)

so yea! i think i had other news but i've been typing this for like 2 hours bc i keep getting distracted by pokemon videos LOL see you next time!

Sunday, September 24, 2023


as of last night i have officially completed the pokedex in a main series game (scarlet) for the first time EVER! literally just never did it before. which is funny considering my sister and i always had opposite versions growing up. but i finally did it!!

there were many trials, including trying and failing to evolve rellor a hundred times (you have to walk 1000 steps Uninterrupted while in let's go mode. like just walking too far ahead and the pokemon going back into the ball will reset the count. i literally ended up running in a circle for 10 minutes straight and giving it a rare candy while it was still out LOL). i also spent a lot of time trying to catch tough pokemon without using my master ball bc let's face it that's a waste. master ball is for TRUELY dire circumstances, like the shiny of your favorite pokemon with a good tera type in a raid.

my next goal in the game is to create my ideal team with max stats and EVs and all that crazy shit. i've never tried breeding for perfect IVs but i'm sure there's some sort of guide on the internet to point me in the right direction. with the newer generations introducing nature mints and ability switchers and all that fun stuff i have a Lot less to worry about, but i still want to try and do as much on my own as i can. i think it will feel really good to make a team like that :) as it is, my endgame team is levels 77-90, and i might let my starter get to level 100 in return for all he's done for me but i Will be replacing him in my upgraded team lol i just really want to try my hand at it.

in other news, smiley and i have been watching anime together :) i am relatively new to anime and hadn't ever finished one before, so smiley has been introducing me to his favorites which we have been gradually watching in the evenings :)! we are on our third but this one is sooooooooo long (it's bleach), so i imagine we will be watching it for a While lol but currently my favorite is soul eater :] i also really liked blue exorcist but soul eater was more fun and exciting to me. also yes smiley is aware he's only been showing me shounen animes and it's because if he shows me the super good and emotional ones he'll cry and cry and cry hehe :]

we also started both the next layton game and hypnospace outlaw on stream :] the more we play diabolical box the more i remember just how much fun i had with it as a kid (i remembered the hamster mini game but COMPLETELY forgot about the camera and tea set mini games??? SOOO FUN). hypnospace is AWESOME i wish i could play it for hours and hours and hours and i can't wait to play it again this week :)!!

aaaaand that's it!! stay tuned for more sort-of-monthly updates :) bye for now!

Sunday, September 3, 2023

hiiiiiiii :)

i've been playing Lots of games and writing Lots of posts! this is awesome and good for me. for example, i played moonglow bay for the first time yesterday. i watched holly play a lot of it but i mostly watch her vods for background noise and something to look at when i get distracted (i'm watching her splatoon 3 solo gameplay rn doing this exact thing lol). so, i forgot a lot of the details of the story by the time my buddy octo bought it for me :) i'm enjoying it sooo much it's everything in the world. interesting but simple minigames to do shit like fish and cook, making friends, donating specimens to a database that gives you more info and also benefits. i played for 6 hours nearly without pause and i loved every second. i'll write a proper post once i get further into it, but do please give it a shot if you get the opportunity :)

in other news, we beat the stream games we were playing!! it took 11 streams each, which, including off-weeks, is pretty much three whole months lol it took a WHILE and they were excellent games :) i wrote posts for ace attorney and psychonautss 2 almost immediately and i'm really looking forward to the next games in line. this professor layton is the one i grew up with, and my friends have been DYING for me to play hypnospace outlaw. and they're finally here now :) yippee!

that's about all i've got for now. see you next time :)

Sunday, August 20, 2023

hi :) i recently remembered that i have sooo many emote slots on twitch and also basically no channel points rewards. today i'm going to try changing that :) i also want to see if i can get obs to capture vlc visualizers... smiley is also making me a talksprite and new stream layout hehe :] tune in sometime soon to see what comes of all that, okay?

update: i got the vlc capture working finally!! and i have made Three emotes so far :]

update again: i have made seven new emotes, filling all my twitch emote slots with awesome images :] they all turned out really cute. these include five new rocky emotes (hi, yea, nah, yippee, and weep), and two orion emotes (sisyphus and survive). check out the emote showcase, which you can find in the about section of my twitch channel!!

Friday, July 21, 2023

they have my ass TOILING

hi :) long time no see. again. augh.

i have been so busy with Tasks that i have been only dreaming of updating my neocities. but do not unfollow bc i will always return at some point roughly a month later lol and here i am once again!

let's see. what fun things have i been up to recently. i've been watching holly hollowtones play through Super Lesbian Animal RPG, which is a sick fucking game. i do want to get it so i can play through it myself (there seem to be multiple endings?) but i also really enjoy holly and puzz's voices and input while they play. i've been collecting awesome games on my 3ds and slowly playing through them all at once. stanley is here and i am petting him with my foot while i type. streaming has been going well and we are working our way through the orginal ace attorney and psychonauts 2 :) and i am once again playing fighting games and monster hunter from time to time.

in bigger, more interesting news, a few of the marsupials recently met up for an awesome adventure! it lasted one week and it was super fun :) i will omit most of the details but basically we had many cool trips and meals. my especially most favorite was hot pot! it was my first time at a real hot pot restaurant with like the stove table and all-you-can-eat and whatnot. my favorite was the spicy schezuan broth and i ate lots of fish balls with roe, imitation crab sticks, noodles, quail eggs, and clams :) now that the adventure has ended i am RESTING so i am going to try to spend this time to lay in bed and write some neocities stuff!

that's all for now :) hope to see you again soon

Sunday, July 16, 2023

i recently did awesome things to my 3ds.

did you know that your 3ds can be customized with awesome home screen skins? did you know that you can format and install a large sd card up to 128GB for your 3ds? did you know that you can play lots of awesome games on your 3ds? did you know you can further your monster hunter problem by downloading several monster hunter titles onto your 3ds? did you know that these downloads can take like four hours? i'm having so much fun :)

i'm hoping that having games on my 3ds will have me play them more. i could monster hunt or pokemon or fantasy life on the go :) my sister has the fantasy life cartridge i'm just making our lives easier this way. also my home theme is alolan sandslash <3

Friday, June 9, 2023

hi :) oh!

stanley just jumped onto my belly where i'm laying on the couch to observe my typing. he's having fun i think.

he wants to stand on my laptop soooo bad. but i'm petting him so sweetly :)

it's been so insanely hot outside but it FINALLY rained again. i've started enjoying planting and tending to flowers :) it's very nice and fun to do.

stanley got bored and slid off of me and onto the floor like a sack of potatoes. i miss him dearly.

a very small low quality image of a brown dog looking at the viewer with solemn eyes

check out this dod

Saturday, June 3, 2023

only one week since the last blog post. so proactive!

the marsupials have started playing minecraft again and it's AWESOME. smiley delivered an orange cat to me to tame and name stanley :) he's so cute and he loves bellytime just like real stanley!! i built my house up on stilts in the water by a small island. it's got two floors, big windows, and an aquarium of tropical fish including a pufferfish who hates anything with a pulse. stanley loves to antagonize the pufferfish by standing with his face pressed against the glass lol he's so silly :)

a screenshot from minecraft. the player is laying in bed to sleep. an orange cat is laying on their belly

(picture of minecraft stanley on bellytime <3)

my favorite actitivies in minecraft include fishing and writing in books :) i also love to sleep so that it's never nighttime bc if i see or hear a hostile mob i'll cry. my favorite mode of transportation is boating and i love to explore especially when there's a lot of water in the world like there is in this seed. i did get really lost trying to follow coordinates once. don't worry about that.

that's all i have today :) see you next time!

Sunday, May 21, 2023


so. it's been a little while. hi :)

after over One Month in the hell chamber, addled by tasks and bullshit, i have finally made it out alive and back to where i belong: with stanley <3

so !! some updates:

school is OUT and streaming is IN. i want to get back into streaming sometime soon. my goal is like 2 days a week but just 1 would even be fine. i have been hoarding so many games lol and i honestly don't know what i would play first! if i can manage 2 a week i for sure want to do 2 different games. this way there's a bit more variety both for me and my friends and for any viewers (any viewers... lol). my current guess based on absolutely nothing is that we'll play 1 good game and 1 nothing game, bc that's the type of person i am lol. i really want everyone to see the beauty of petz dogz fashion, and i also REALLY want to play psychonauts 2, so there's a good chance it'll be those! i expect the streams to start again in june :)

the next update is that i'm with stanley again fulltime! he will be living with me for the forseeable future which means i'm gonna try my best to do lots and lots of stanley updates :] and btw he's soooo cute and round and he loves me.

now for some video games updates bc that's what i'm about. i purchased and started playing monster hunter world with iceborne bc i'm a sicko. it's really fun and i'm almost as far as i got on my sister's copy :) however capcom was smoking some shit when they ported it to pc bc it is unoptimized as FUCK. i thought my computer struggled with rise (a few frame drops here and there but nothing too crazy recently), but it seems like you need a fucking nuclear reactor to run world lol i actually had to download some performance enhancing mods, which were recommended on a forum post on steam specifically because the backend of the game is like spaghetti. so, with the power of mods and horrible resolution i am now able to run the game at a smooth 30 fps :)

speaking of monster hunter rise, i finally beat the base game story!! maebh and i reached HR8 after defeating the foul beast (though based on the cutscene after it's certainly not over yet), and then i proceeded to hit the first cap of HR20 within like 2 hours of playing due to my disease. then, i got sad that i was wasting xp by doing hunts before the urgent quest to raise the cap, bc i want to do the urgent quests with maebh like we have been, which is what prompted me to make the purchase for world lol. as i always say, i have a disease that makes me sick :)

and now, the fighting game news for whoever is interested in that. i now have several fighting games installed on my computer that i love to play. these games are guilty gear strive, guilty gear xrd rev 2, guilty gear xx accent core +r, the king of fighters xv, and blazblue centralfiction. let me express that blazblue is a bad game. there is nothing good about the story of blazblue and the way that they treat their characters is bizarre at best and disgusting at worst. however, iron tager. as for the other games, guilty gear is awesome and kof has terry. also, i enjoy the gameplay of all of these :) me and smiley play any of them semi-regularly.

lastly for videos games talk, i beat the postgame of pokemon scarlet! this is particularly cool for me because i've never played the postgame of a pokemon game. in fact, i intend on completing the pokedex, another thing i've never successfully done. crazy, right?

so, yeah! a lot of things going on now that i'm no longer in the blender. i really want to do some things with this site, such as adding more stanley pictures, writing more games and music posts, and making some sort of archive system for this page, just to prevent neocities from having to load so much at once. i think i'll use the summary tag to do this? it depends what i figure out that looks and functions best.

i think that's all! hopefully i'll see you before next month hehe :)

Sunday, May 14, 2023

hiiiiiiii back again for my *glances at wrist* mostly-weekly nonsensical update :)

let's see... i've purchased (announcer voice) the King of Fighters: Fifteen and been playing it a lot. i probably won't make a gameing post for it bc frankly i just play it for pvp fun and to see terry, not bc it's good. i also really like playing kyo and yamazaki and sometimes i play rock, geese, andy, or joe :) i like that it's a team fighter and i have a lot of fun with it even though i use the same team in the same order almost every time lol

i've been playing lots of fighting games with smiley as per usual and it's getting to the point where i'm like man i have Got to buy [game] for myself. except this time i've decided i need to get fucking blazblue of all things bc i like playing tager. i also like mai and taokaka but i especially like tager hehe :) the problem is that blazblue is $40 and it's a bad game. it's like if a good game was bad. i can't really imagine buying it unless it was on sale for like actually $5. at least there's always parsec lol

what else. i finally beat everhood! or at least i did one ending, the normal ending. i read a bit about the other endings and i've decided i would feel cruel and evil to do anything else so i'm not going to haha. it was cool and fun but i didn't get all that attached to it so i don't think i'll be writing a real gameing post for it.

i also finally started playing monster hunter rise again :) just a little bit. i'm still under the spell of fighting games so i still spend 90% of my free time with guilty gear or kof or whatever, but on the off chance that smiley is busy and maebhy is free i've been going back to my roots :) maebh has actually been grinding a bit which i should really do if we ever want to beat the goddamn story haha we got stopped dead at 7 star quests. our old armor just doesn't cut it against high rank diablos etc and we aren't skilled enough to simply not get hit lol but i imagine we will get our new armor and regroup in the near future. as soon as i convince myself to grind.

can you believe i'm finally using my blog as a blog? i just decided one day that i should actually talk about stuff, especially now that my free time has gotten a bit more interesting than, say, "spent 4 days binge watching stream vods," or, "played pokemon," lol instead i'm actually trying new stuff. anyway, i hope you enjoyed. see you in a while :)

Saturday, April 8, 2023

had a good weekend with my sister the other day. she has like a ton of video games that she buys on discount and then just keeps playing stardew valley all the time so she let me try monster hunter world on her ps4 and my GOD is that game cool. it's so different from rise in terms of story and atmosphere and like— you get to research monsters?? you find like prints and trails and shit and get points and buffs when discovering new monsters and it's Awesome. also the environmental stuff going on is so cool. the jungle area you start in is so pretty and interesting. sure, there's a ton that's been improved in the new title, like more quality-of-life stuff and whatnot, but GOD i want to get world for myself now. it goes on sale fairly frequently on steam so i'm hoping one day i'll finally finish rise and sunbreak and i'll be able to justify buying another game lol

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

happy st. patty's day! today i am marinating on the idea of everyone being really really excited for things i do not care about. for example, Haken released their latest album, Fauna, and it's bad! it's boring to me! dare i say hot garbage! but everyone i am seeing is praising it for how it's their best yet and blah blah blah INCLUDING critic reviews of like 9/10 and shit. i don't fucking hear it man that shit was ASS.

example number two: arc system works has announced the next three dlc character colors... which are three very bland copies of itself!! literally the same exact black and white clothes with an accent color (orange, pink, or green, all of the fluorescent gamer shade) and a rim light (cyan, violet, and light blue). they are nothing at all in the world but everyone is drooling over them like BROOO NOOOOO. arcsys literally said "what if the next three colors which cost actual money were just color 12 but again and they were all exactly the same with two colors swapped" and everyone said WOWOWOW SOOO COOOOOOL please for the love of god no we could have had literally anything else. THEY DIDN'T EVEN AFFECT THE CHARACTER SKIN TONE/HAIR COLOR/EYE COLOR IT'S LITERALLY COLOR 12 BUT THREE MORE TIMES. don't you all remember color 19 from rev??? we could have yummy pastels. remember the dartboard ass shit from the og games?? we could have had it all. just take one look at the color mods online like people are creating ART and arcsys is out here charming the masses with a fucking ue rim light come on.

i had more examples but i was blinded by the rage of season 2 dlc colors. sorry. maybe i'll have more thoughts some other time.

ate some vanilla creme straw wafers today. they were dangerously good and my tummy started to hurt so i had to put them away. ok bye

Friday, March 17, 2023

i've determined, in a stroke of genius, which i am rather prone to, that sin kiske guilty gear and rock howard fatal fury would make great friends :) they've got it all. sin loves to eat? rock loves to cook! they're both kids raised and taught to survive and fight by jacked bisexual men in red with fire powers who love to punch shit (sol badguy and terry bogard, respectively). also both of their biological fathers are blond but that is the only similarity. ky kiske would beat the fucking shit out of geese howard on sight i just know it.

i'm pretty sure it's known that sol and terry are similar. they have very similar moves in their respective games, including but not limited to a grounded fireball, forward-moving fire punch, and dragon punch (invulnerable upward attack). also see Being Ripped And Bisexual. their main differences lie in the fact that sol is grumpy and tired and terry is joyful and whimsical, but i think that would make a really fun dynamic lol we already know sol hangs out with axl low.

sin and rock have Very different playstyles, even thought their adoptive fathers are comparable. sin Did want to try using sol's sword but he told him to go wave a flag instead, so i suppose that was a pretty major factor in him fighting so differently (one could also look at the fact that one is an anime fighter and the other is a standard fighter, or that guilty gear has an entire roster of gimmick characters, but that's neither here nor there. this is about in-universe explanations for details that i enjoy).

apparently, rock howard is very good at street basketball and also loves to ride his awesome motorcycle, both of which i can imagine him introducing to sin. i think sin would have a hard time grasping organized sport, having grown up in a worldwide long-term monster and magic dilemma, but i think he would enjoy the learning process and eventually making baskets lol

sol and terry would hang out as dads do. they would share a drink and talk about life while their kids get themselves in and out of trouble. i think they would turn out pretty good friends in that way :) shootin the shit and all.

now, keep in mind. sol badguy at this point is roughly 200 years old. he was alive in the 90s and he knows what basketball is. however. up until becoming the guilty gear he was a phd student and a scientist. superhuman abilities can only carry you so far. terry and rock would Wipe the Floor with sol and sin. and it would be so funny. two relatively normal guys handing over the asses of two guys who have saved the world several times in only a few years, not even including everything sol did before sin was born. everyone would be having a good time but my god they Really have to play down to make it even slightly fair. the only thing keeping team guilty gear on the board is the fact that they can run like trucks and jump like hell. but terry and rock just move the ball too good. they couldn't stand a chance.

ok that's the end of my insane rambling. follow for more awesome thoughts :)

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

hiii it's been a minute. i was having a #Mental Illness Moment but terry bogard fixed me.

official art of terry bogard from the king of fighters fifteen. terry is a muscular man with a long blond ponytail who wears a red vest and trucker hat

feel free to speculate whether it was thinking about terry, looking at terry, or terry himself beating the shit out of me for laughs that did it. anyway now i'm normal again :)

Thursday, March 2, 2023

hiii :) i discovered a curse i have recently. there's something Up with me and sound systems. i've been assembling the pieces in my mind and i realized that objects that make sounds hate me, particularly if they are on the Left side. so far i've gone through four pairs of wired earbuds. two pairs became crackly, and the other two stopped playing sound in the Left ear. my bluetooth earbuds no longer play sound in the Left side either. the sound system in my car does not play sound on the Left side. sometimes if i drive long enough it will just kick in, but it has to be like over an hour. usually it jumpscares me bc i have the volume up so i can hear (bc the drivers seat is of course on the left side). not to mention my headphones/headband that i ordered which was a scam lol. so yeah if anyone knows about highly specific curses like this please leave a comment on my page or dm me on tumblr with a remedy lol

Saturday, February 18, 2023

a cartoon stock image of a red red heart shaped box with a gold ribbon

almost forgot your gift!!
click the box for a silly surprise :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

hiii today it's finally warm out :) warmest it's been in a while! it'll be winter again this weekend but i can dream of summertime for now.

today i made progress in pokemon black 2! got myself the sixth gym badge :) i was considering grinding in ultra moon to beat ultra necrozma buuuut didn't feel like it lol. maybe some other time.

smells like someone is making popcorn. i'm not a huge fan of popcorn but i won't refuse a fresh bowl. i'm not a monster. and if i am i'm not a monster who refuses fresh popcorn. maybe i'll get up and find out soon. i'm pretty good at identifying smells, if i do say so myself.

i recently acquired my usual stash of gallons of apple juice which i sip from while i hang out at my desk. and i got stuff to make pbj sandwiches. nature is healing <3

i'm also learning new and awesome things every day. recently i have been studying mandarin again and it is going so awesome.

expect a valentine's day gift from me to you, dear reader :)!

Monday, February 13, 2023

everyone say happy birthday to My Dog she turns 1 today lol lot of birthdays in a short time.

many cool things happen today :) my tumblr is un-shadowbanned!! yippee!!!! i got an email FINALLY from support saying i got flagged by their auto-shit and they're sorry it took so long to sort out. also i'm getting done work sunday early bc of the super bowl which means maybe i will get to watch :) i hate the eagles but when philly goes all the way you gotta represent. i also got sooo many neocities tasks done this week which i'm so happy for! i also had to write a short story over the weekend for school and everyone liked it :)! i don't get to write much so it was fun to stretch the legs a bit lol

i feel compelled to share some of my favorite snacks and stuff :) i really like fruit snacks, especially black forest juicy burst. they have a funny name and they're the most delicious of the world. i been eating a lot of cheezits. i like chocolate milk and apple juice. i also like dr. pepper but i don't drink much soda. i like to eat trail mix :) and granola bars!

today we play ai:tsf (aitsfriday) but i think i have some time before everyone gets home to do some neocites. or maybe i'll just play pokemon instead lol

Friday, February 10, 2023


today i want to make more posts :) i think i will finally sit down and write about the various pokemon games that have no entries yet. hopefully i can maintain enough steam to get through most of them.

it's starting to get warmer out again, which is nice, but i don't think it's going to last lol it's only february we are NOT through the winter

Thursday, February 9, 2023

everyone say happy birthday jam kuradoberi!

today i learned an awesome "TRICK" in javascript/jquery. i don't really understand the notation but i do know what it does and i was able to bend it to my will to create an awesome new mechanism for my grid links. now, instead of having to separate my "gameing" page into 100000 smaller, easier to load and update pages, i was able to put All my game posts on the original page, hidden, and have then load as they are requested by the viewer :)! technology is truly amazing i love my puter.

what else. i'm kind of Awesome at connect four and dots and boxes and also guilty gear strive. i'm a #floor6warrior with my friend chipp zanuff who i modded to wear his funny xrd glasses and be "mint chipp" hehe :) i use color 2 normally anyway so that's what i put the mod over. i also downloaded like a hundred color mods for anji and then continued to use color 5 my beloved lol i did mod his butterflies to be green tho! matching his beautiful green color 5 outfit he's so cool. smiley taught me the joy of mods: fixing when they make characters white for no reason, changing the battle font (like SLASH and COUNTER etc) to be less boring, replacing the boring music (win screen, main menu, lobbies) with the awesome old music, making it so playing "Smell of the Game" will just shuffle random guilty gear tracks... it's all so awesome i like it so much :) i've seen a lot of cool mods other people have, like one guy who has one that replaces the guy in the happy family stage with lucky luciano, or getting countered makes the one guy (cannot remember his name but he's streams and hosts small community tournaments for rtvs fightzone) yell "WHY WOULD YOU GET HIT" and they make me die laughing but unfortunately are custom made </3 i have GOT to learn how to mod games right now right now

speaking of guilty gear, i watched frosty faustings with smiley this weekend!! it was a lot of fun :) we mainly watched the top 128 and on for strive, and whatever was happening at that time in plus r, rev 2, and blazblue cf. we also watched a bit of street fighter 3rd strike and tekken 7 when other games were on commercial and whatnot. sadly some of our faves got knocked out before we got to see them (free apologyman and umisho fr) but what we did see was still so fun :) honestly shoutout to ooeygooeychewysnicker i know he knocked umisho out and is the reason we didn't get to see her but like honestly what an icon and using color 11 anji no less i'm kind of in awe at this dude. we were so happy when tempest won he fought so so hard for it and he was so happy!! also smiley was happy bc an axl player made top 10, a raven player in rev 2 made top 8, and he got to see people play lots of other characters he likes :) my only complaint was not enough chipp players please get him in there i need to see chipp zanuff on my screen.

anyway, i hope you enjoyed my insane ramblings about anything :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

hello good morning ish they are once again putting my ass in the blender

remember when i said i ordered something cool? yea that was a scam lol i'm also busy like 90% of the time and it SUCKS!! and i'm COLD!!! so fucking cold i miss the sun i miss the warm :( looking with big sad eyes.

on the bright side most things are going smoothly/as planned and many of my problems have resolutions on tha way. also i have been playing soooo much guilty gears with my awesome friends and have been having so much fun :)

i want to keep adding to this site but at this point most of my free time is going towards guilty gear or sleeping lol but i prommy i will get to it. i have many plans including finishing my pokémon posts, writing all those music posts i've been hiding, adding more images to posts that are a lot of text, and Maybe one day adding a new page. idk what it would be. i have a lot of interests but idk if i could manage an entire page dedicated to any of them. but yea, keep a lookout for more fun stuff from me :) i'm hoping to do a little bit today sometime

Thursday, February 2, 2023

a screenshot from the Guilty Gear Begin light novel. it features Frederick Bulsara from behind and slightly below, who is wearing a labcoat that is billowing out to one side. he is posed in a slightly slutty way with his ass sticking out and his shoulders back

okay. whore.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

myyyyyyyy fuckinggggg tumblr blog is shadow bannedddd! christ.

i don't appear in notes or activity feeds via likes/reblogs/@'s, i can't reply to posts, i can't send or recieve messages or even access the messages tab (it's just Gone), my blog doesn't appear in search results, and i'm in hell! this is on desktop And mobile like the shit is Busted. i had to make a sideblog just to use messaging.

in other news, i purchased guilty gear strive on a discount :) so now i actually have all three games and play online and shit. i've only had the game for two days so when i tried tower i got thrown into floor 6 and then slowly demoted to floor 2 lol it's good for me. catch me in strive east coast lobbies as orion!! the nicest chipp main.

also i started playing ai: the somnium files and i Might start playing monster hunter again soon. but my schedule is kind of up in the air right now so i'm not sure if i'll have time just this second.

what else. um. OH i've ordered an awesome bluetooth uhhh headband headphones thing for sleeping :) it has 12 hours charge and also i can pull it over my eyes to keep all that damn LIGHT out of my face goddamn i hate that shit it wakes me up so easily. also my alarms won't bother my roommate since they'll be played directly into my skull :) so yea now i can go back to my awesome fool proof ritual of sleeping while listening to a combination of white noise and metal. the album depends on the day i am very particular about what i listen to each night but i just loop one album and it's good. i was doing this with regular wired earbuds but i kept breaking them in my sleep and then i tried my bluetooth earbuds but they die too fast and then the sounds when they die would wake me up and then there's no music/noise to lull me back to sleep and AUGH so i've given up on that lol

anyway. fun stuff! good and bad! heaven and hell! you know!

Saturday, January 21, 2023

a picture of an acrylic keychain on a desk. it holds art of sol badguy from guilty gear as a chibi anthropomorphic cat. the cat is mostly white with brown on the upper half of its head and its tail and brown eyes, and it is wearing sol's strive outfit and hair

one of my roommates went to an anime convention over break and spent over $100 on keychains. ten of those hard-earned dollars went to THIS bad boy. bad guy. cat guy. yeah :)

this seems like a good place to talk about my other keychains, which i purchased myself. i have an acrylic Flygon (shiny on one side), an acrylic Cyndaquil holding a pokéball, and a plastic Eevee that used to have a dangly tail but it broke off like the day i got it lol

Monday, January 16, 2023

a digital drawing of five people on and behind a couch. from top left to bottm right, they are the sonas of marsupials nick, zag, jay, orion, and smiley. they are all dressed as their guilty gear xrd rev 2 mains, which are faust, venom, millia, chipp, and raven, respectively. orion and smiley are holding controllers, and all are facing the viewer as if they are playing/watching the game ahead of them

2023, the year of the gamer. art by me :)

Thursday, January 12, 2023