Welcome to Storytime!
Hello!! I see that you might be interested in hearing a tale :)
This is my "storytime" page, a section of my site that will be all about different stories and story elements that I'm a big fan of. Things like my favorite characters, story mechanics, settings, or even just entire stories of various media will be found here.
Since this is a page dedicated to talking about stories, you can expect spoilers ahead! I've hidden any twists or details behind "reveal spoilers" buttons, so feel free to read about whatever you'd like without worrying about getting information you have not yet uncovered :)
As you can see, this page is a heavy WIP. I'm a busy person, so it may take a while to finish everything. I hope you will join me again when there is more here for you to enjoy :) See you soon!!
This is the characters section, where you'll see all my favorite characters from various media :] Characters are mostly in order of appearance, and sources are in the same order as above.
Click on a portrait to read about a character! [WIP]

Blue Exorcist:

Soul Eater:

This is the concepts section, where you'll be able to read about some of my favorite concepts used in different stories I like. Things like magic mechanics, special weapons, and other lore things will go here [WIP]
I have many ideas for this page. Here's a short list of other things you might see here whenever I get around to it:
• more anime/manga (drrr s1, trigun, dorohedoro, kekkai sensen, kiznaiver... we're always watching more lol and i have to finish reading trimax and dungeon meshi)
• stage plays/musicals (falsettos and fun home are my favorites)
• webcomics (check out laika's comet and gather ye power!)
• my own works and characters :]
• ...and more!
I've already got 3 empty story posts, 22 empty character posts, and a totally blank concepts section lol so please bear with me in the meantime!